Sunday, December 14, 2008

what it you were a clone?!

I have heard about cloning all of my life, but not as a serious topic. It has always been a futuristic idea that wouldn’t even come up as a legitimate topic within my lifetime. Well, it is now and has been for quite a few years. In my opinion it is a pretty scary thing to even just think about. There are so many questions about cloning and so many myths. The main issue that is holding back science to use cloning has to do with moral and religious aspects of it all. There are so many ways to look at it. It can be used to save parts of the world but at the same time it is killing another. There are the moral and ethics behind it all with the creation factors. I don’t know exactly where I stand with it, but some people are very one sided. It is also a questionable topic because it is hard to say how far the government should get involved when it comes to the legal issues. If the government makes a decision that is controversial it may put them in an awkward position with what their morals and ethical beliefs are.

What have you heard about cloning? What are the issues that you have with it all? Should it be legalized in the U.S.? If yes should there be any restrictions?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

the irony of the justice system

Yesterday O.J. Simpson had his sentencing. He was found guilty of multiple crimes, including breaking into a hotel to retrieve his own belongings from when his foot ball days, but it was theft. 15 years ago he was a super star hero that was charged for a gruesome murder of his wife and wife’s friend. He ended up not being convicted of murder, although most people concluded that he was guilty. He was sued in the civil court and found guilty there, but was not found guilty in criminal justice court. The irony is that he was sentenced for up to 33 years for his most recent crimes which seem trivial by comparison to the murders, yet he was not convicted for the murders. He had his freedom all of these years because of his obsession with his super star past that he acted as if he was invincible and could get away with anything. Is he finally getting the punishment he already deserved? This is a life lesson for everyone, just because you get let off the hook once it doesn’t mean it will happen again.

Do you have any stories with similar themes?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

thanksgiving traditions?

Thanksgiving is such a great holiday to celebrate. It is the beginning of the holiday season. It is a cheerful and grateful holiday. It really makes you think about everything you have in your life and how lucky you really are. Even if you feel like nothing went right during the year that passed, Thanksgiving Day is a day to think of the things that did go right, even if it is little things. The gathering of family is one of the best parts of it all. Everyone getting together is interesting but a lot of fun every year. Most people have annual thanksgiving traditions that are pretty standard each year. I know that our family does, we have it at my house every year and my mom cooks the whole meal and it is amazing. One of my aunts brings the appetizers and the other brings dessert. It never gets old, though. I love thanksgiving. The only dark side of it all is the day after thanksgiving, black Friday. Every year it is a very scary day to go out on, especially to go shopping. I feel as if this was probably one of the worst and busiest black Friday’s in history because of the economy, people wanted and needed the deals. There were some horrible happenings on Friday. One of the stories that I saw on the news that really disturbed me actually ended in a death. The one man was working at the Wal-Mart, opening the doors at 4am. The people at the door were so crazed that they trampled him to death. I mean were the materialistic items they ended up buying at all close to worth that man’s death? Definitely not. Sometimes it is unbelievable what this world has come to. It is so sad and unfortunate.

How was your thanksgiving? Did you go out on black Friday? Do you have any stories?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Organic Arugula Munchers

It is quite interesting how Barack Obama tried to add to his political “story” that he was not an elitist. The thing is though; there is no way around the true fact that he is a liberal elitist. Part of what he plans to do during the next four years is to not give school choice to parents that want alternates to the public schools. Yet it was reported that he has enrolled his children into one of the most elite private schools in Washington, D.C. At the beginning of the year we discussed in class what we considered to be an elitist. We came up with something like arugula lettuce munching, latte drinking, liberal elitist etc. This is what Barack Obama is. Even during one of his speeches the other day he was saying how hard it was to find organic arugula lettuce in Iowa, I mean really, who actually talks about buying organic arugula lettuce, unless you are within the upper class? It is all just a show to cover up what the real truth is behind it all.

I hope that even if Obama cannot relate to a specific aspect that he selects people that can. It is very important that the president can relate to the typical American citizen and their experiences.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What Difference Does It Make?

During the height of the presidential season, the candidates had to tell their “story”. Part of Barack Obama’s “story” was his race. He did not want it to be a focus of him and didn’t want his “race” to come into play. The thing is that he was always perceived as “black” and this did come up from him and others repeatedly. This was only because his skin looked as if he was black. He is also Caucasian. He is multi racial. Although it seems as if the country is overcoming racism, this in a way does not prove that. Barack Obama is still considered black.
Can we not overcome distinguishing someone by their skin color?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Interesting New Start?

I don’t necessarily have anything against Barack Obama, but at the same time I really don’t understand where people were coming from when they said that he will be a great president. I am asking this question in all honesty, what he has done for our country to make him credible to be president. Also, I don’t know how much experience he has had with the issues he is left to fix. He has a lot of missing puzzle pieces to pick up and fix. I am just trying to think positive and hope that he will be able to pull it off. There are a lot of people pulling for him and some very skeptical and just crossing their fingers. Hopefully he will really be a president for all of the people of America, whether they agree with him or not! Obama becoming president should really show that racism is becoming slim to none and can be eliminated. He is the president, so everyone in America should respect him as much as they can and rally around, and get our country out of the rut we are in.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Do You Know The Answer?

A recent tragedy has occurred with Jennifer Hudson, a singer, actress, whose mother, brother, and nephew have been shot to death within their own neighborhood. She lived in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago. Although her recent fame and fortune brought her out of the neighborhood, it was still her home and she was still connected. Her family had the opportunity to move away, but chose to stay because it was the life they always knew. Even though her success brought her to a better neighborhood, it is ironic that the violence still touched her. Now the people she cared about most are gone. Her family had a lot of courage to stay in that neighborhood hoping and everything would become better. It is unfathomable that within 25 miles of her, the crime rate is so high that people don’t even bother to call the police when they hear gunshots. This is a problem in Chicago that has never been resolved and seems to be growing.
This is a very complicated issue in that there are so many aspects to the problems. The root cause cannot be determined and therefore cannot be solved. It seems simple to fix, but it is obviously not easy in the least. If it were easy it would be solved already. Drastic measures need to be taken to reduce the street crime. So, what is the answer? How will we save the innocent victims of crime? How will we eliminate so many senseless crimes?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What are our rights?

During class early in the week we did an activity that went over the first amendment and what our rights are that go along with it. We initially decided on our own which rights should be protected, meaning it should stay as it is, or limited, meaning it should only be legal in certain situations. We then discussed in small groups what our thoughts were, then as a whole class found out what the laws actually state. Within my group and some other groups the one that was the most controversial was if it is ok to wear obscene statements or words in public. I said that it was ok, because everyone has their own opinions of what is obscene and not. If only a group of people or type of person is offended by something it doesn’t mean that everyone will think the same way. It is true that people should know who and where to wear or say certain things, but not everyone is conscience of this though. It is part of expressing yourself the way you want and show who you are in a way.

What statements were the most controversial in your group?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

You Need To Make Fun of Yourself

Being able to make fun of yourself is a strong trait to have. I mean, you can't always take yourself so seriously, or be so defensive. A great example of this is SNL. SNL brings this out in people because the people that are made fun of on the show would be extremely offended. Yesterday, Sarah Palin was on SNL, there have been a few skits made about her previously too. This was a good decision for her to make. It shows that she is comfortable with herself, which is another important trait. The skits have made the number of viewers of SNL go up and more positive exposure for Palin, a win, win situation. The fact that she actually went on the show and was in the skit made it even better. SNL always makes strategic moves to make the show as good and funny it can be without crossing the line, about current events. If I were to change anything within the show it would be to be more balanced with the political skits because it has seemed one sided, against McCain and Palin so far.

Did anyone else watch this? Or have any comments about other topics within the post?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What Does First Class Really Mean?

This weekend I have been in Seattle vistiting family and colleges. For the first time of my life my family took first class. This was a very unique experience. As soon as we were in our seats we had the flight attendants asking if we needed anything. They took our jackets immediately, ask what we would like to drink, what we were traveling for, if we needed more pillows or blankets, if we had enough space, and this went on the whole flight. This is completely different then when we fly in the coach section. The flight attendants are not very polite and just want to get through the flight without being disturbed. The difference between the two are so dramatic. It is not very fair. The people in the coach section should be treated the same as first class even though the seats may not be as nice or as expensive. The experience was really great, and I hope that it is the same when we fly home on monday. The point though is the service should not be horrible just because it isn't first class.

What have your experiences been while flying?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What Are The Points For Anyways?

Today in class we were getting papers back. Normally when teachers are passing back assignments all of the students get really anxious to know what their grade was and what the point totals were. When the assignment is given back and the grade shows, the immediate thought is what is my grade and percentage in the class now? Mr. Bolos and Mr. O'Connor were explaining today how they don't grade based off of the point totals and the percentage. Although we don't know exactly how their grading process works yet, it seems as if it is a rare way of grading. It seems as if our grades will be based off of the content of our work and our participation within the class. I really envy this teaching style because the grades and perecentages should not be the main focus within the class. It should be about growth in learning and the overall scheme of work ethic, etc. I have never had any other classes like this and rather than doing the work to learn it, it was all about the end grade and percentage.

Has anyone had a class that graded similar to this? Are students only worried about what their grade is going to be? Why do we think like this, where did these ideas come from?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Seriously, What's The Real Theme?!

So next weekend is homecoming weekend. New Trier does things a little differently than other schools. Once we are juniors and seniors we dress up in themes. The themes are supposed to be creative. There are some ideas that are creative and are hilarious. There are others that are not at all, but some people find a way to think that they are. Most of the themes tend to be an idea for the boys....and there "hoes", etc. Just like Halloween, homecoming is an event that girls have excuses to wear barely any clothing and get away with it without being directly made fun of or harassed. I don't understand it because you can have a good theme without looking like. "hoes". In my mind it is completely degrading to girls and really not that funny.

What do you think of the whole idea?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Psycho political supporters

Throughout this presidential season, there have been many uproars of false information about the candidates. It has been coming from both sides. I am not talking about the actual candidates making information up, it is all of the people that hate the opposite party they support. The accusasions of both sides are ridiculous and just cause more hatred. There are so many ways that people can get their points across without ruining anyone's reputation. America is supposed to be the country that is one and treats everyone as equals. All of the bashing that goes on is so unnecessary. If people want the candidate that they think should be president to get promoted throughout the nation, then spread information around that will help them in positive ways. Saying negative things and lies about the opposing candidates may get a point across that they are a bad choice, but it happens on both sides, so it really doesn't help the candidate that you want to be president to win.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The attack of Ike!

We are fortunate to live in an area where a hurricane like Ike cannot happen. Thousands of people along the gulf coast chose not to evacuate, after they were warned of the danger. It was so dangerous that authorities were telling those who refused to leave to write their social security numbers on their arms so they could be identified. Whether or not they evactuate though, the losses are astronomical!
Can New Trier students help in some way?
There are many ways we can help. Some ways include, having a clothing drive, food drive, suppiles drive, or fundraisers to donate money to charities like the Red Cross that are supporting this cause.
We need to support our country and come together or help!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

George W. Bush was so 8 years ago!

At this point in the presidential debate both parties are pretty heated. There have been many speculations about Senator McCain's decision to choose a women for a running mate. What many people saw in her, was the Governor of Alaska that did not have many credentials to be vice president. On the other hand, many people believed that she would be a great addition to the white house. The real question is whether or not it was a strategic move on Senator McCain's part. I believe it was a strong choice for him to make. Some voters that wanted Hilary Clinton to win could have been feminist, only voting for her because she was a woman. Those people may in turn vote for McCain because his running mate is a woman. From Sarah Palin's speeches, I think she is a strong woman that is going to be great in office with John McCain.
Was it a strong move for John McCain to have Sarah Palin be his vice president?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008