Saturday, April 18, 2009

J.T. #3

The most stressful part of my junior theme so far was finding an expert on my topic to interview. I emailed at least 15 people and only a few responded. Only 1 of them said that they would be happy to do it. I interview her today and she was very helpful and gave great, thorough responses. I was able to accomplish the one thing that I did not have much control over for the paper. I have been working on a rough draft of my paper for most of the day today and I am close to being done. I have also completed citing all of my sources into noodle bib, so all I have left for that aspect are my annotations. The hardest part of all of this has just been getting started and getting all of the ideas out and flowing. Once that starts, it’s all downhill (in a positive way). Right now I am struggling with choosing my quotes for my body paragraphs and making sure they are the strongest and wisest ones. I feel pretty good about my position with the paper right now.


Judy Gressel said...

great job of reading and gathering sources!!
Be sure to annotate them. This will help with sorting out ideas and mapping the topic.
This will lead to good thesis formation.

You may want to explore the National Partnership for Women & Families introduced the Family and Medical Leave Act and how that impacts the household division of labor.

see an indepth article:

Erika Eich said...


You're doing a great job of keeping up. Do you have an outline of what you want to say in your body paragraphs? That will help you solidify what points may be most powerful in each section of your paper.

Kimber said...

If you are looking for some more interviews, try calling people. I feel that you will be more likely to get in tough with them through the phone, or leaving them a message, than email.